Jonathan Bennett

Jonathan Bennett

Technical Service Representative

Jonathan’s first experience in the trucking industry was working at TMC, a great place to be trained with an understanding of how trucking makes the world go around. After that, he spent some time in the army. He loves being part of the national guard and he loves to do drills with the guys.

When Jonathan decided to step back into the trucking industry, Purkeys was lucky to have him join the team. He enjoys this role where he gets to help customers fix concerns and figure out how to successfully run their systems.

Jonathan grew up enjoying the outdoors and he loves to spend as much time as he can outside. You might find him occasionally watching his favorite movie—Star Wars episode III—but his spare time is most likely spent hunting or fishing. He especially likes hunting around the Thanksgiving holiday, as that’s the best time of year for it!

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    Favorite Color: Red
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    Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving