The Purkeys team attended the groundbreaking for the expansion of the Diesel & Truck Technology (DTT) building at Northwest Technical Institute (NTI) in Springdale, Arkansas at the end of October. The expansion will provide space for the Secondary Career Center DTT program.
The DTT program’s mission is to prepare students for success as competent technicians in the field of diesel and truck repair. It was developed due to the shortage of skilled technicians in the diesel and trucking industry. Purkeys has been involved with the school for a number of years. Bruce currently holds a position on the advisory board.
The building expansion will enable the program to double in size by allowing more students to enter into the program. The DTT program, which until now has only been available to postsecondary students, will now be offered to high school students, who may be able to enroll as early as this fall. The new facility should be occupied and in use by the fall 2015 semester.
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