The 20 Amp Applied Load Module is a useful accessory that comes with Purkeys’ Liftgate Double Check.
It gives technicians the ability to perform a load test on their vehicles. This tool works in conjunction with the Liftgate Double Check to help make sure the tractor is going to have sufficient energy to charge liftgate batteries.
“The 20 Amp Applied Load Module pulls a 20-amp, fixed load and gives you the ability to check what the voltage drop is on the tractor,” said Rylar Masco, Purkeys’ National Original Equipment Manufacturer Representative. “Now technicians can make sure they have a sufficient output voltage to the trailer.”
Knowing the voltage drop is paramount because too much means the liftgate charging system will not function properly. Purkeys’ DIRECT and SELECT need at least 10.5 volts at the trailer to charge the liftgate batteries reliably.
The 20 Amp Applied Load Module comes equipped with a LED display that informs technicians when the system is ready to start and when the test is complete.
This module is just part of the total package that makes the Liftgate Double Check a necessity for fleets that use liftgates. With a multimeter, the 20 Amp Applied Load Module and the Liftgate Double Check technicians have an easy way to connect and ensure the tractor and trailer’s electrical systems are working properly.
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