Hall is an experienced sales professional with a passion for building relationships and problem solving.
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Jimmy has been with our Purkeys family since he was 16. Having grown up in the trucking industry, he has been a part of a bit of everything.
When asked how he got started in the industry, Larry says it was an accident! However, it was a happy accident, and Larry has been contentedly working at Purkeys for 28 years. It all started when he stopped by Purkeys one day simply to see a friend and ended up accepting a job.
David started his trucking career as a trailer inspector. Over the next several years, he worked with other companies as an operations manager, service manager, and salesman.
Ever since Columbus was a boy, he liked to take things apart and learn about them as he put them back together. It all started with an old engine that his uncle gave him for Christmas! He pulled it apart and fixed it up, learning all the while. As he grew up, he continued to have an interest in learning how things work and in building things. This interest brought Columbus to Purkeys, where he has loved having the opportunity to become a product expert.
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Bob has been working in the automotive and trucking industries for the past 15 years.
Growing up in Flint, Michigan—or “Vehicle City”—meant that Tim had the opportunity to spend a lot of time in a well-funded auto shop during his high school years. He developed a great interest in automotive repair and thought this interest would naturally move into a career. It did, but not the way Tim initially expected it to